Higher Education

the real period project
Higher Education
Menstrual Cycle Awareness and Life/Study Planning.
We are excited to offer these innovative and interactive sessions for college and university age students. They will equip students with increased knowledge, awareness and confidence in managing their menstrual cycle and using this newfound awareness to influence how they plan their life and studying.
So far we have worked with Bath Spa, Bangor and Kings College London Universities & would be happy to discuss your requirements – use our contact form to get in touch.
in partnership with the chalice foundation
Training for menstrual educators
Are you passionate about delivery effective, engaging and empowering menstrual education in your setting?
We are excited to be working with The Chalice Foundation, an Australian-based international charity delivery positive menstrual education. Foundations of Menstrual Education is for anyone who already teaches or wants to teach about periods and the menstrual cycle in any setting.
Go here for more information and to join the course.

My Period resource
These innovative conversation-starter cards we worked on with Hey Girls are a great resource to use with students and indeed people of any age. You can purchase the cards from Hey Girls here
Let us know about your experiences using the cards with your students!
Period Friendly Colleges & Universities
We can help you build a positive menstrual culture in your institution. We have worked extensively with Bristol City Council in their Period Friendly Bristol and Period Friendly Schools initiatives and would love to hear from you if you would like to discuss holding sessions.