Menstrual Cycle Charting

the real period project

Menstrual Cycle Charting

Menstrual cycles can be confusing. Our charting workshops help women, girls and non binary folks understand their menstrual cycle so that they can get to grips with what is ‘normal’ for them and what this means for their everyday life.

Charting for young people

In 2019/20 we ran a pilot of menstrual cycle awareness and wellbeing sessions in schools, university and community groups in Bristol and Bath. The trial went really well and participants enjoyed learning about how their body works and increased their confidence in looking after themselves throughout their cycle and in knowing when and why to get help if needed.  This pilot has led on to other similar work, including sessions for Bangor University & Kings College London. 

If you would like to enquire about running sessions like these in your school, college, community group or university, please get in touch.

Charting for adults

We also offer menstrual cycle awareness and charting sessions for adults, please contact us if you are interested.

Charts for cycle tracking

You can download a sample chart from Natural Fertility Management ( here:


Contact us if you would like to arrange sessions at your setting.