the real period project
About us
We want a world where periods are taught as part of the whole menstrual cycle and it is safe for everyone to talk about and experience menstruation.
The pervading culture of menstrual shame keeps periods hidden. It is a toxic combination of shame, secrecy and the imperative to conceal all traces of menstrual life.
Most girls dread their periods starting and few people are ever taught about how the menstrual cycle really works, or how they can track their own.
Our mission is to promote wellbeing through accessible and sustainable menstrual cycle education. We teach about periods in context of the whole cycle, acknowledging all the ups and downs of this hormonal ride.

And we want everyone to be included in the conversation, so that it becomes as normal and acceptable for someone to talk about how their menstrual cycle affects them (or their friend/partner/sibling/child) as it is to talk about how anything else in their life makes them feel.
Not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman or girl, and not all women and girls have periods. We try to be inclusive throughout everything we do at The Real Period Project, but we won’t always get it right. Get in touch if you would like to work with us on this.

Our values Are:
We are a not for profit community interest company committed to bringing about cultural change.
We believe in sustainable working practices including menstrual cycle awareness and seasonal working.
We want everyone to have access to whole menstrual cycle education, regardless of age, gender, race or income.

We promote practices that embed long lasting systemic change.
We respect different menstrual practices and promote trust in the body and personal autonomy.
We believe in a world where anyone can talk about menstruation, anytime, anywhere.
Do you want this too? Join us.
If you work with young people, whether that’s in schools, universities, local youth groups, or for local authorities who support schools and other agencies.
The team

With thanks to all those who have influenced our work and paved the way:
Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer of Red School, Lara Owen (Her blood is gold) and Miranda Gray (The Optimised Woman) for seminal Menstrual Cycle Awareness teachings.
Jane Bennett, creator of Celebration Day for Girls, for her wisdom and experience in menarche preparation and holistic fertility and health.
Francesca Naish, creator of Natural Fertility Management, for teachings on an empowered and self-reliant relationship with the menstrual cycle and fertility.
Lara Briden for teaching sense about how the menstrual cycle works, how to address common problems and the importance of ovulation.
Chris Bobel (The Managed Body), Chella Quint (#periodpositive), Cass Clemmer (Toni the Tampon & Period coloring book) and many others for their influential work on making menstrual education inclusive.
Society for Menstrual Cycle Research for supporting and encouraging research in this field.
Robyn Steward (author of The Autism Friendly Guide to Periods) for talking about autism and how it affects learning and dealing with periods.
Lisa Fannen for her feminist health book Threads and her vital social justice work.
School for Social Entrepreneurs for fabulous social enterprise training and well needed funding.
Kelly Diels for inspiring lessons in feminist marketing, business practices and social justice led culture change.
Sally King of Menstrual Matters, for insisting on reliable sources and information in menstrual education, and busting common menstrual myths.
Many thanks to our supporters...
School for Social Entrepreneurs, Plan International, Poverty Is Pants, Radical Herbal Collective Herbal Aid, Good Being A Girl, Sophie Jane Mortimer, Kelly Diels